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Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10 ; 17
Covenant Rainbow mission is to increase faith, and decrease unbelief created by not knowing by searching the Holy Scriptures, the Bible precept upon precept. Allowing our values, morals, and lives to be forever changed by the Word of God. Covenant Rainbow will provide an environment rich with Holy Scripture and focused on following the Lord's commandments. To usher in the Spirit of Peace, by the Spirit of the Lord.
Question: WHY?
The Covenant Rainbow Brand is a salvation first ministry. We specialize in what pertains to the salvation of an individual. If the holy bible is the scripture that governs your heart and spiritual gate ways then it is wise to consider what Jesus Christ says about salvation and follow his example. Jesus left a blue print to follow that begins with repentance, confession, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior followed immediately by baptism, this is the beginning. Matthew 28:18-20 " Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit".
Minister Michelle Echevarria is the author of 3 spiritual books. Her goal is to create a "Salvation incubator and Bible Center".
It is minister Michelle's vision to create a space where people can come and work out their salvation with their Creator, and grow in the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, of the holy bible. A place I call "Salvation Incubator And Bible Center". Here is where I will teach, baptize, and help the community with charitable programs. Salvation Incubator And Bible Center is not a church, it is a spiritual center which will include some activities of the church such as worship, prayer, and gathering to reason and study the bible as a body of people.
Before you open the Holy Bible to gain knowledge of it's precepts , SPEAK TO GOD FIRST. Pray to God and ask Him to guide you to His Divine Wisdom and understanding. Job 28:28 says "and unto man He said behold the fear of the Lord that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.
Minister Michelle has put her mind , body, and soul into this work, even the book cover photo is her actual sonogram picture of her last born son.
"Beautiful Chronicles Of Life" provides the reader with a study experience that is filled with Holy Scripture from beginning to end to guide the reader precept upon precept as it relates to life allowing the reader the potential to have a more complete understanding of the Word of God. Prayerfully sparking in the reader the discernment to ask themselves what changes if any do I need to make in my life to be acceptable in the sight of the Lord. Scripture is throughout "Beautiful Chronicles Of Life" also because people desire the Word of God not man.
Covenant Rainbow
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